Associate Professor, area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Office 4.14 of the Faculty of Informatics; Phone 881 01 1268 (internal ext. 1268); Fax 981 167 160
Eleonora Guzzi
Predoctoral researcher (Programme for supporting the predoctoral stage in Galician universities, Xunta de Galicia and Operational Programme ESF Galicia 2014-2020)
Room 4 of the offices building of the Faculty of Philology: Phone 881 01 4705 (internal ext. 4705); Fax 981 167 151
Picture of some members of LYS with Igor Mel’čuk, taken on April 29, 2014. From left to rigth: Carlos, Marcos, Orsolya, Ana, Igor Mel’čuk, Miguel, Margarita, Jesús, Nancy and Estela.
Former members
Olga Kellert
Postdoctoral researcher hired by a research project
Graduate student in the interim period between completing his MSc in Computer Science at the University of Maryland and starting his Ph.D. at the University of Southern California