Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeDrawingInstructions

Uses of TreeDrawingInstructions in TreeDraw

Fields in TreeDraw declared as TreeDrawingInstructions
private  TreeDrawingInstructions[] TreeDrawingInstructions.children
          The instructions to draw this tree's children.

Methods in TreeDraw that return TreeDrawingInstructions
private  TreeDrawingInstructions TreeDrawer.generateDrawingInstructions(LabelledTree t, java.awt.FontMetrics fm)
          Generates drawing instructions allowing to draw a tree in an environment with a given FontMetrics.

Methods in TreeDraw with parameters of type TreeDrawingInstructions
private  void TreeDrawer.draw(TreeDrawingInstructions tds, java.awt.Graphics toDrawIn, double xposition, double yposition)
          Draws a tree using its TreeDrawingInstructions.

Constructors in TreeDraw with parameters of type TreeDrawingInstructions
TreeDrawingInstructions(LabelledTree tree, TreeDrawingInstructions[] children, double offset, double childOffset, double center, double width)
          Creates a TreeDrawingInstructions instance from its attributes.