Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tree

Uses of Tree in Gramaticas

Classes in Gramaticas that implement Tree
 class ArbolCYK
          Clase que implementa un nodo del arbol de analisis resultante del algoritmo de parsing CYK.

Methods in Gramaticas that return Tree
 Tree ArbolCYK.getChild(int i)

Uses of Tree in TreeDraw

Subinterfaces of Tree in TreeDraw
 interface LabelledTree
          Simple interface representing a tree whose nodes are labelled with text strings.

Classes in TreeDraw that implement Tree
(package private)  class LabelledTreeImpl
          Sample implementation of a labelled tree, used to test the tree drawer.
(package private)  class TreeDrawingInstructions
          Instances of this class are trees which contain useful information to draw a LabelledTree.

Methods in TreeDraw that return Tree
 Tree TreeDrawingInstructions.getChild(int i)
          Returns the ith child of this instructions node.
 Tree Tree.getChild(int i)
          Returns the i'th subtree of the tree's root.
 Tree LabelledTreeImpl.getChild(int i)
          Returns the i'th child (subtree) of this tree (node).