Uses of Interface

Packages that use LabelledTree

Uses of LabelledTree in Gramaticas

Classes in Gramaticas that implement LabelledTree
 class ArbolCYK
          Clase que implementa un nodo del arbol de analisis resultante del algoritmo de parsing CYK.

Uses of LabelledTree in TreeDraw

Classes in TreeDraw that implement LabelledTree
(package private)  class LabelledTreeImpl
          Sample implementation of a labelled tree, used to test the tree drawer.

Fields in TreeDraw declared as LabelledTree
private  LabelledTree TreeDrawingInstructions.tree
          The labelled tree to draw.

Methods in TreeDraw that return LabelledTree
 LabelledTree TreeDrawingInstructions.getTree()
          Returns the labelled tree to draw.

Methods in TreeDraw with parameters of type LabelledTree
 void TreeDrawer.draw(LabelledTree toDraw, java.awt.Graphics toDrawIn, double xposition, double yposition)
private  TreeDrawingInstructions TreeDrawer.generateDrawingInstructions(LabelledTree t, java.awt.FontMetrics fm)
          Generates drawing instructions allowing to draw a tree in an environment with a given FontMetrics.

Constructors in TreeDraw with parameters of type LabelledTree
TreeDrawingInstructions(LabelledTree tree, TreeDrawingInstructions[] children, double offset, double childOffset, double center, double width)
          Creates a TreeDrawingInstructions instance from its attributes.