121 one to one a/s/l age, sex, location adn any day now afaik as far as I know afk away from keyboard aight alright alol actually laughing out loud b4 before b4n bye for now bak back at the keyboard bf boyfriend bff best friends forever bfn bye for now bg big grin bta but then again btw by the way cid crying in disgrace cnp continued in my next post cp chat post cu see you cul see you later cul8r see you later  cya bye cyo see you online  dbau doing business as usual  fud fear, uncertainty, and doubt  fwiw for what it's worth  fyi for your information g grin  g2g got to go  ga go ahead  gal get a life  gf girlfriend  gfn gone for now gmbo giggling my butt off  gmta great minds think alike  h8 hate hagn have a good night  hdop help delete online predators  hhis hanging head in shame  iac in any case  ianal I am not a lawyer ic I see  idk I don't know  imao in my arrogant opinion imnsho in my not so humble opinion  imo in my opinion  iow in other words  ipn I’m posting naked  irl in real life  jk just kidding l8r later ld later, dude  ldr long distance relationship  llta lots and lots of thunderous applause  lmao laugh my ass off lmirl let's meet in real life  lol da lache ich laut ltr longterm relationship  lulab love you like a brother  lulas love you like a sister  luv love m/f male or female  m8 mate milf mother I would like to fuck oll online love  omg oh my god otoh on the other hand  pir parent in room ppl people r are rofl da wälze ich mich vor lachen rpg role playing games ru are you shid slaps head in disgust somy sick of me yet sot short of time  thanx Danke thx Danke ttyl talk to you later  u you ur you are uw you’re welcome  wb welcome back  wfm works for me  wibni wouldn't it be nice if  wtf what the fuck wtg way to go wtgp want to go private ym young man